Iron Riders - Story of the Buffalo Soldier Bicycle Corps 
Author:  George Niels Sorensen 

Story of the African-American Bicycle Corps at 1890s Ft. Missoula, Montana 
8 1/2 x 11, 112 pages, 62 photos and drawings, full-color cover, softbound 
$12.95 plus $4.00 postage and handling  (Add $1.00 p/h for each additional book) 
ISBN:  1-57510-074-6 

This is the lively story of the only bicycle corps the U.S. Army ever authorized.  Using buffalo soldiers, this 1890s African-American unit conducted drills and exercises on wheels.  They rode into Northern Montana on muddy trails and toured Yellowstone on their 100-pound iron bicycles.  As proof of their capabilities, these Iron Riders pedaled 1,900 miles from Ft. Missoula, across the snow-dusted Rocky Mountains and steamy Great Plains, to St. Louis.  As they approached the city over 1,000 civilian bicyclists rode out to escort them into town in a great parade.  Learn more about the adventures of this little known buffalo soldier unit and fascinating details about this era in America.  Well researched and a good read.  Full of rare pictures and drawings. 

Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, Inc. 
713 South Third Street West, Missoula, Montana  59801 
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