Descendants of Yosef Poltorak

Notes: This family tree starts in the province of Volhynia, Russia/Poland, now in Ukraine. Towns involved include Radzivilov. Family members emigrated to the United States  (New Hampshire, Boston area) and Israel. In America the name Poltorak became Porter. 
  The symbol "+" indicates a marriage, and people "married in" to the Poltorak/Porter line are listed in italics. Married women are listed with their maiden names only.  Children's names are indented underneath their parents' names.  Year of birth and year of death are listed if known; no other personal information will be published on the Web. Click on the camera symbol ( ) next to a name to see a photo or photos of that person. An asterisk (*) indicates the person died in the Holocaust.
   This tree underwent a major revision in 2024, with the top ancestor's named changed to Yosef, numerous names added, and Zacharia Poltorak and his descendants removed. It is believed Zacharia was related to the Poltorak line shown here, but the exact connection has not been determined.
   More information about individuals named here is available upon request from Lynne Tolman,  who is not a Poltorak/Porter descendant but is related to some of Boruch Poltorak's descendants. Please contact Lynne with any questions, corrections or additions. 
   For family trees of other ancestors of Lynne, go back to Lynne's home page. 

Yosef Poltorak 
+ [wife] 

Etil Poltorak  about 1862-1932  
+ Aaron Klorfayn  ?-about 1942 *

Itsek Poltorak  about 1867-1925
+ Sheyndil Frishberg
Toyva Poltorak  1886-1895

Yosif Poltorak 1889-? *
+ Adelia Frishberg
Miriam Poltorak 1922-? *
Sonia Poltorak 1892 - ? *
+ Buzi Landesberg
Khaim Landesberg ? -about 1942 *
Yitzhak Landesberg ? -about 1942 *
Nachman Poltorak 1893-?

Chana Poltorak 1895-?
+ Yankel Leyzor Shafir 1899-?
Avraam Shafir 1922-?
Tzvia Shafir 1929-?
+ ____ Haskel
Shlome Poltorak 1899-?

Eydil Poltorak 1904-?
Boruch Poltorak ?-?
+ Chaya Baker ?-? [first wife of Boruch Poltorak] [see Descendants of B'tsalel Baker] 
      Max Porter 1888-1950 [immigrated to USA]   
      + Lillian Ringelheim 1892-1975 
        Hilda Sarah Porter 1917-2011 
        + Harry Baeder  1911-1979 
          Marlene Gail Baeder  1941- 
          Irwin Henry Baeder  1946-1991
        Bernard Porter  1924-1969 
        + Mary Frances Jamison 1917-2014
          Mark Porter  1959-
      Israel S. Porter  1891-1936  [immigrated to USA 1912]   
      + Goldie Binkovitz  about 1900-1979  [immigrated to USA 1914]   
        Doris Lillian Porter  1921-about 1987 
        + Harold Edward Cohen  about 1922- 
          Allison Barbara Cohen  1951- 
          Lawrence Wayne Cohen aka Beryl Porter 1956- 
          + Sara Leopold
        Florence Arleen Porter  1925-2016 
        + Benjamin Cooperstein  1915-1982 
          [Names withheld] 
          Ellen Sheryl Cooperstein  1958- 
          + Harvey "Skip" Brandt  1957- 
            Stacy Lynn Brandt  1993- 
            Zachary Jordan Brandt  1995-
          Barbara Joan Cooperstein  1959- 
          + Scott George Perkins 
          Lois Nanci Cooperstein  1961- 
          + David Paul Linsky  1957-  [first husband of Lois]
            Michael Benjamin Linsky  1992- 
            Tyler Harrison Linsky  1993- 
            Jared Richard Linsky  1995-
          + Paul Overy [second husband of Lois]
          Steven Porter Cooperstein  1962- 
          + Joanne Pappalardo  1961- 
            Benjamin Charles Cooperstein  1999- 
            Jonathan Henry Cooperstein  1999-
          Carin Leslie Cooperstein  1964-1971 
          [Names withheld]
        Sheila Judith Porter  1936- 
        + Norman Goldstein  1924-2009
      Louis Porter  about 1893-1960  [immigrated to USA 1913]   
      + Jennie Gould or Lubgold   about 1896-1971 [immigrated to USA 1911]   
      [Sadie's twin] Porter  1895-? 
      Sadie Porter  1895-1975  [immigrated to USA 1913] 
      + Hyman Stein 1894-1973   
        Bernard "Bo" Stein  1918-1994       
        + Edna Camenker   1928-2000   
          Kenneth Stein  1949- 
          + Tova Churgin  1957- 
            Andrew Philip Stein  1989- 
            Bradley Adam Stein  1997-
        Saul "Zelek" Seymour Stein  1922-2008 
        + Mary Cochran  [first wife] 1925-1971 
          Suzanne Lynn Stein  1945-2006 
          + Stephen Love 
            Stephen Michael Love  1967- 
            + Robin Matthews 1967- 
              Christian Love  1992-
            + Wendy Haughn [second wife of Michael Love] 1974-
              Jasmine Ashley Love  1996-
            James Gary Love  1974-
            + ____________
              Zadie Love
            Edward Andrew Love  1978-
            + Ashley Canup 1979-
              Edward Andrew Love Jr. 2004-
              Henry James Love 2007-
              Jacob Carl Love 2009-
          Gary Porter Stein  1951-
        + Ernestine Rios [second wife of Saul Stein] 1936-
      Abraham Bennat Porter  1898-1958  [immigrated to USA 1913]     
      + Dora Watnick   1902-1971  [see descendants of Isaac Watnick
        Bernard Porter  1926-2010 
        + Thelma Gerber  1927-2023     [see descendants of Jacob Gerber
          Barry Michael Porter  1953- 
          Helene Ruth Porter  1956- 
          + Richard Ellis  1955- 
            Matthew Abraham Ellis  1983- 
            + Mariah Saunders
              Palmer Boston Ellis  2011-
              Braxton Glen Ellis  2015-
            Daniel Lloyd Ellis   1984-
          Lawrence Porter  1958- 
          + Sharon Doblin  1959- 
            Nathaniel Louis Porter  1991-
            + Snezana Racic 
            Ari David Porter  1993-
            + Rachel Saltzman 
            Zachary Jordan Porter  1996-
        Seymour F. Porter  1930-2012
        + Janet Litwin  1932-2017

    + Fejga-Riwka
    [second wife of Boruch Poltorak]

      Samuel Poltorak 1905-1982 [immigrated to Argentina 1929]
      + Elena Kesselman [immigrated to Argentina 1929]
        Boruch Poltorak 1928-2007 [immigrated to Argentina 1929]
        + Olga Nix
          Pablo Daniel Poltorak 1954-
          + Sylvia
            Demian Poltorak 1991-
            Gabriel Louis Poltorak 1996-
          Claudio Anibal Poltorak 1956-
          + Lisa Eliosoff
            Violeta Poltorak 1985-
            Matias Poltorak 1988-
          Hugo Javier Poltorak 1959-
        Teresa Poltorak
        + Luis Krimer
          Mirta Krimer
          Alejandro Krimer
        Raquel Poltorak ?-2017
        + Yaco Luchina ?-1965
          Marisa Luchina
          Claudio Luchina

      Yitzchak-Moshe Poltorak 1907-?
Contact:  Lynne Tolman 
Updated 12/16/2024